“Inspiration at Night”
By Madison R. Welch
“I love the fact that you can play with the unconscious mind and try to get a message through. With abstract art, at the end of the day, people will see what they want to see, and I love that.” - Rocio G. Montiel
Rocio G Montiel, also known as “RGM,” is a Mexican abstract artist who lives in Los Angeles, California. Passionate about abstract art, her art translates stories, feelings, and emotions into abstract compositions using multiple shapes, patterns, and organic movements full of color, texture, and detail.
When did you know that you would pursue art as a career and not just a passion?
“I have a Bachelor’s in Political Science and Public Administration. I was always working in the public sector, and don’t get me wrong it had been a very enriching experience. I have always tried to drive my career towards cultural affairs. It was not until I moved to LA that I realized this was going to be the best experience of my life. I had the opportunity to work with artists, museums, galleries, cultural organizations, as well as the city of Yuma, and I loved it. However, I got my motivation during the Pandemic lockdown. I was drawing a lot in my down time. I was experimenting a lot with geometric abstraction. I love shapes, I love to play with them to make a new visual effect. I love the fact that you can play with the unconscious mind and try to get a message through. With abstract art, at the end of the day, people will see what they want to see, and I love that. So I made the decision to go to art school and my artistic career went hand in hand.”
Do you schedule a specific time to create art? Or do you just wait for inspiration to strike?
“The night is when one's mind stops running around and relaxes; that's when I get inspired. When I'm stressed with anxiety and pressure, I turn to painting for release. I can share my emotions, and painting is a way of giving therapy to myself. I paint the pain, and anger, the sadness, and the expectations - everything. I let everything out, and something beautiful came out of it in this case. What I enjoy about this process is that it's a way of sharing my pain by putting all of my emotions on the canvas.”
Rocio Garcia Montiel. Text Message 1. 2021. Acrylic on paper. 24 in. x 2 in. x 28 in.
What were you thinking when you created the Text Message Series?
“This is one of my favorite pieces I’ve created. I put a name on this project that represented the essence of the situation that started it all. All of the pain and anger I was feeling came from a text message. It was a heartbreaking experience.”
The entire world shifted and was affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Turning pain into beauty is a necessity.
“I was a mess in my head, and tried to make my negative experience into something positive. I want to make people feel free to say what they feel when looking at my art. When I do art, I like to do stuff that could give a sense of happiness. As you go your own way, you can become surrounded by adversities and obstacles that make you hesitate and doubt yourself, which happened to me a lot this past year. This project completely evolved and transformed into something else, something beautiful. ”
What is the best advice you have ever received?
“My mom has always given me the best of advice. Almost every day, she reminds me, ‘You have the abilities, you have the capacity, you have everything in your soul to do whatever you want. So, never doubt that. Where there is adversity, you will overcome. But you have to be resilient in that.’ She taught me life would come, and it will be hot sometimes. But, be aware that you can do anything you want, and don’t let anybody tell you the opposite.”
Rocio Garcia Montiel. The Red Net. 2021. Acrylic on paper. 24 in. x 2 in. x 28 in.
What is your inspiration for the Red Net Painting?
“The Red Net painting is from my 2020 collection called New Beginnings. I got the idea when we were all still going through the craziness from Covid-19. I thought to myself, ‘What would the cell of Covid look like?’ I started to make more organic shapes to work with. My mind connected that shape with mutation, like the mutation of an environment. Our situation in life is constantly evolving, and we’re going to come out of the dark and make something more colorful. It was a deep idea of how we evolve, we mutate, and we change into color from the essence of what we are. But ultimately, we all started from a cell.”
What memorable responses have you had to your work?
“I have gotten the most responses from my Text Message series. I was nervous to see people's reactions, but it was quite positive. Everyone thanked me, and loved the details and the amount of work involved. She was essentially asking me ‘not to stop.’ This past year, I was also the Grand Prize Winner for the 2021 New York International Fine Arts Competition. It was really exciting to have the opportunity to showcase my work. It’s become quite a memorable experience.”
What would you want people to feel or think when someone says your name in the art world?
“I really just want to get people thinking. When I paint, I don't have a mind, just emotions, feelings and instincts. When they look at my work I hope they can connect with some of that. I want to give something new and different to the abstract world. I hope to grow into someone who can revolutionize the abstract world of art.”
Rocio Garcia Montiel. Text Message 2. 2021. Acrylic on paper. 24 in. x 2 in. x 28 in.
“I invite everyone to share in the love and appreciate art, in all ways possible.”
- Rocio G. Montiel
Special thanks to RGM for taking the time to speak with us and inviting us into her world. Explore more of her collection here.